Rep. Twardzik Comments On The Economic Recovery in PA
Apr. 21, 2021 / Embed
Representative Tim Twardzik comments on the negative effects the Covid shutdown has had upon independent businesses but, that it is time to reopen the economy.
Host Roundtable Discussion with Businesses Negatively Impacted by Governor’s Restrictions
Apr. 09, 2021 / Embed
Reps. Joe Kerwin and Tim Twardzik along with House Majority Caucus Secretary Rep. Martina White held a roundtable discussion with local business leaders affected by the governor’s COVID-19 restrictions and the impacts they have experienced.
Twardzik Discusses Business Difficulties
Apr. 08, 2021 / Embed
Reps. Tim Twardzik attended a roundtable discussion with local business leaders affected by the governor’s COVID-19 restrictions and the impacts they have experienced.
Twardzik's Questions on Minimum Wage
Mar. 11, 2021 / Embed
PA State Rep. Tim Twardzik asks a question during a House Commerce Committee meeting examining the impact a minimum wage hike would have on Pennsylvania's economy.
Twardzik Interview With Russell Redding
Jan. 12, 2021 / Embed
State Rep. Tim Twardzik conducts a virtual interview with Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding. The two speak about this year's theme for the 2021 PA. Farm Show, and how COVID has affected Pennsylvania's farming businesses and food supplies.
Swearing In Day
Jan. 05, 2021 / Embed
Rep.Tim Twardzik makes remarks after being sworn into serve as state representative for Pennsylvania's 123rd Legislative District.